See our new pepper spray heat chart and how this new powerful and hot pepper spray rated at 1.2% MC compares to all of the other options avail.
Potency 1.2% MC
Key-Chain with Quick Release
UV Identifying Dye
Level III Hot Spray
Inert Practice Sprays
12) Black with Leatherette Holster
12) Pepper Shot Spray with Key-Chain
12) Inert Practice Pepper Sprays
1) Sales Counter Display
Pepper Shot 1.2% MC 1/2 oz pepper spray black leatherette holster and quick release keychain. The Major Capsaicinoids are the true heat measure and Pepper
Water Based Inert Practice Defensive Sprays use water instead of pepper spray. They are pressurized with nitrogen. Their purpose is to be used as a practice spray instead of wasting a real pepper.